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९ ऐसी आदतें जो आपकी कार बिगड़ सकती है और आपकी जेब खाली कर सकती है

जी हाँ ! जितनी ज्यादा आप ड्राइविंग करते है उतनी ज्यादा आप ड्राइविंग स्किल्स सिखाते है लेकिन इस दौरान आप  कुछ और आदतें भी प्राप्त कर लेते है. सभी आदतें अच्छी नहीं होती हैं और समय के साथ आपको उन्हें  तोड़ना काफी कठिन हो सकता  है। कुछ सामान्य आदतों को यहां सूचीबद्ध किया गया है; जो आपकी कार को खराब कर देगी । आज की वीडियो आपको आपकी  कार बर्बाद होने  से बचाने में मदद करेगी और कार की मरम्मत  पर होने वाले अनावश्यक खर्चे से  बचा सकती है ।

BMW Interior

लगातार ब्रेकिंग न करे

ब्रैकिंग एक स्किल है और उस में महारत हासिल करना काफी  जरुरी है. सही ब्रैकिंग के लिए नियमित प्रैक्टिस जरुरी होती है। इसके अलावा, सही  ब्रेकिंग से ड्राइवर और यात्री दोनों का ड्राइविंग एक्सपीरियंस सुकूनभरा हो  सकता है। बेवजह ब्रेक पेडल प्रेस न करें।  नियमित ब्रेक चेक-अप करें | कभी कभी  ब्रेक पैडल  और डिस्क बदलने  की आवश्यकता होती है। इन खर्चों से बचने के लिए हमेशा  सुरक्षित दूरी बनाये रखें । अगर आपने अभी आदत नहीं बदली, तो आपको ब्रेक होस, ब्रेक पैड  और ब्रेक डिस्क बदलने के लिए अच्छा खासा बजट रखना पड़ेगा। 

Road Potholes

बम्प और गड्ढों पर तेज ब्रेकिंग

गड्ढे ड्राइवरों के सबसे बड़े  दुश्मन हैं। गड्ढे संभावित रूप से टायर, रिम और सस्पेंशन  को नुकसान पहुंचा सकते हैं। जब कार  गड्ढों  गुजरती है और उसी समय जब आप ब्रेक पेडल प्रेस करते है तो  सस्पेंशन पर दोहरा प्रेशर  पड़ता है। इस  प्रेशर की वजह से सस्पेंशन टूट सकते है या फिर सस्पेंशन के पुर्जे ख़राब हो सकते है और तो और  समय से पहले सस्पेंशन ख़राब हो सकते है इसीलिए सामने वाले वाहन के बीच हमेशा सुरक्षित दूरी बनाए रखें, ताकि आप गड्ढे देख  सकें और अपने गाडी  को धीमा कर सकें|

गियर स्टिक पर अपना हाथ न टिकाये

गियर नॉब पर अपना हाथ कभी न टिकाएं, यह गियर नॉब पर छोटे लेकिन निरंतर प्रेशर  डालता है। ट्रांसमिशन सेट काफी काम्प्लेक्स होते हे और उनमे  कई चलते पुर्जे भी होतें है । आपकी आदत सिंक्रोनाइज़र और गियर के डिस्प्लेसमेंट का कारण बन सकती है । अंत: में  गियर्स शिफ्टिंग की समस्या पैदा होती है। गियर बॉक्स जो ठीक से काम नहीं कर रहा है, कार मैकेनिक्स  में बड़ी  समस्या पैदा कर सकता है। यह बुरी आदत ; ट्रांसमिशन की मरम्मत और कार की लगातार सर्विसिंग पर भारी खर्चे का कारण बन सकती हैं।। इसीलिए हाथ को गियर नॉब के बजाय स्टीयरिंग  रखें। 

Car Gear Knob

रिवर्स गियर शिफ्ट करते समय कोई जल्द बाज़ी न करें

रिवर्स गियर को धीरे से शिफ्ट करना उचित है। आम तौर पे लोग हमेशा रिवर्स गियर पूरी एनर्जी के साथ शिफ्ट करते है जो की रिवर्स गियर को संभावित नुकसान पंहुचा सकता है | जिसके कारण आपको गियर ट्रांसमिशन एक अजीब सी आवाज़ सुनाई देती है|

टैंक खली होने पर ही पेट्रोल/डीज़ल डलवाना

ईंधन में कुछ गन्दगी  होती हैं  जिसके कारण  फ्यूल  फिल्टर ख़राब हो सकता है। जबआपकी  कार काफी दिनों तक नहीं चलती तो ये गन्दगी निचले भाग  पर जमा हो जाती हैं और सेडीमेंट्स बनाती हैं। इसीलिए यह सलाह दी जाती है कि टैंक में  कम से कम ईंधन आधा भरा होना चाहिए। 

Car Refueling

डाउनहिल ड्राइविंग करते समय बार-बार ब्रेक लगाना

कई नए ड्राइवर ढलान पर गाडी हायर गियर में रखतें है और बार बार ब्रेक प्रेस करते है जिससे कार जल्दी रुक जाएँ लेकिन इस  आदत से ब्रेक पैड और डिस्क गरम हो जाते है और जल्दी घिसने लगते है. ढलान पर कार चलने  का सही तरीका ये है की कार को लोअर गियर में शिफ्ट किया जाएँ और इंजन ब्रैकिंग फायदा लिया जाएँ। इंजन की गति कम करने से वाहन की गति कम हो जाती है और ब्रेक का कम इस्तेमाल होता है| इंजन की आवाज सुन कर डरियेगा नहीं। प्रोफेशनल रेस कार ड्राइवर इसी तकनीक का इस्तेमाल मोड़ पर कार की स्पीड काम करने के लिए करते है।

Driving on hills

हैंड ब्रेक के इस्तेमाल में लापरवाही

कार निर्माता किसी भी पार्किंग वाहन को स्थिर करने के लिए पार्किंग ब्रेक के उपयोग की सलाह देते हैं । जब ऑटोमैटिक ट्रांसमिशन वाली कार ढलान पर खड़ी होती है तो पूरा बोझ लॉक गियर में पड़ता है और पार्किग में कार लुड़कने का खतरा भी बना रहता है , इसलिए हैंड ब्रेक की आवश्यकता होती है। हैंड ब्रेक ट्रांसमिशन के ऊपर आनेवाले बोझ को दूर करने में मदद करता है। इससे  कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता के आपकी कार में आटोमेटिक ट्रांसमिशन है या मैन्युअल |

Rear Wheel Suspension

संदिग्ध आवाज को अनदेखा करना

एक कार में संदिग्ध आवाज  खराबी का संकेत देती है। नए ड्राइवर इसे अनदेखा करते हैं जिस वजह से उनकी कार अक्सर सड़क के बीच में बंद हो जाती है। जब भी कार संदिग्ध आवाज देना शुरू करें उसे  निकटतम मैकेनिक  पास ले जाएँ ।

उच्च रेव पर इंजन चलाना

हालांकि अधिकांश आधुनिक इंजनों को वार्मिंग की आवश्यकता नहीं होती है, लेकिन सर्दी के मौसम में  इंजन को 2 से 3 मिनट तक शुरू रखने  की सलाह दी जाती है। उस समय के दौरान आप मिरर एडजस्ट कर सकते हैं, ड्राइवर  सीट और  खिड़कियां, विंडशील्ड साफ़ कर सकते हैं।

याद रखें सावधानी एंड धैर्य से वाहन चलाएं !

Quick Tips for New Drivers

What is the best way to cool your car quickly? How to get your car freed from mud or sand? Even if you have a permanent driving license, there are a lot of things that can be learned with experience. We have got tips and tricks for you and your car to manoeuvre, safety and predict danger.

Fuel Tank Cap

Car Fuel Gauge

If you have hired a car or brought a new one but you don’t know which side the fuel cap opens to fill the fuel tank. Car manufacturers usually provide a little arrow with a fuel gauge that points to which side the fuel caps open.

Efficient Use of Car Air Condition

Skoda Parked Under Hot Sun

If your car is under sun for hours; don’t switch on car air conditioning at max. The AC system also gathers toxic substances that are harmful to human health. A really easy way of getting rid of it is to pump out hot air naturally hence before you get in the car, pull down your driver’s side window then go over to the other side of the car and just blow out all the hot air. Just give four to five swings. Also open and close the driver’s door a few times in a row. You can actually feel hot air coming out and then start your car with windows open. Turn on the Car air conditioning blower at maximum speed for 30 seconds to 5 minutes and wait to get fresh cool air. Then you are ready to go. This way you achieve the best utilization of car AC. This will help car AC to work more efficiently. Clean car AC filter regularly. If filter accumulates dirt in it, it blocks the airflow inside the vehicle. Don’t use auto climate control in hot weather, use it manually. It will help you save fuel.

Best Seat Position for Driving

Best Seat Position for Driving

It will make you more comfortable and safer when driving seat is adjusted at proper position. Adjust your seat in such a way that with your right foot you can depress the brake pedal with maximum force on it. There has to be a bit of an angle behind your knee so that you have maximum force to push the brake pedal in case of emergency. Put your wrist at 12 O’clock on the steering wheel and make sure that there is an arch in your arm. Also hold the steering wheel in such a way that your hand positions at 9 and 3 O’clock. Your hand will be parallel to your shoulders that way you have maximum force when you want to turn the steering wheel suddenly during an emergency situation. Back rest incline should be adjusted at about a 100-degree angle; this sitting position will decrease pressure on your lower back so you’re more comfortable. Make sure top of your head is level with the top of the headrest. Once your seat is adjusted for comfort and safety, don’t forget to wear your seat belt.

Unstuck Your Car from Mud Or Sand

Driving in Mud

Don’t get panic if you get stuck in mud or sand. Initially give car tires some room to manoeuvre by moving the steering wheel back but do it really slowly. Increase surface area of tires by deflating them to half of the air in it. Then dig out some soil around them to create a space. You can use branches or car floor mats to create an extra fraction. Once you are freed from mud, sand, snow successfully; inflate the tires back and drive slowly for initial few kilometres.

Fire extinguisher for Emergency

Car Fire Extinguisher

You should always have a fire extinguisher that is designed for automotive purposes. It should be placed so that it is within your reach during an emergency.

If car headlights get cloudy apply toothpaste on it; another option is you can buy a lens cleaning kit.

Always Check Spare Wheel Situation

Spare Wheel

Always check your spare tire situation in your new car before you hit the road for long drives. Some cars have space saver tires, some cars offer puncture repair kits, some cars have run flat tires. Always do a dry run first in your own garage with available tools so that you don’t get stuck in the middle of the road.

Flip Steering Wheel When Car is Parked Under Hot Sun

Flip Steering wheel

If you know you have to park your car in the sun and you don’t have anything to cover your steering wheel. After you have parked the vehicle, flip the steering wheel over 180 degrees so that the underneath of your steering wheel is hitting the Sun. There are two benefits of doing this. One when you get back in your car; it won’t burn your hands and the number two top of the steering wheel doesn’t fade and looks nice.

Use Good OBD2 Device

Car OBD 2

Finally, a good OBD scan tool is a must which you can buy really cheap on the internet for between 500 rupees and 1000 rupees. You can plug that in and check to see if there’s any trouble codes.

Crossover vs Sedan

In the past decade, sedan sales have taken a serious hit due to ever increasing popularity of crossovers. Most of the front wheel drive SUVs are actually crossover but in India they are widely being called as SUV. Sedan cars in India is still an option for Generation X but Generation Y definitely want a jazzy Crossover. Crossovers and sedans have a lot of things in common but buyers are picking up crossover more than sedan. Let’s investigate why Crossovers are getting popular over cosy sedans. 

Manoeuvre and Drivability

Audi Front Quarter

In the past SUVs/Crossovers used to be criticized for being a bit tippy and likely to rollover during sharp corners but with the introduction of ESC (electronic stability control) in the year 2012 as optional safety fitment in top spec variants of crossovers like Ford Ecosports, Tata Nexon are safer than ever. Sedans have longer wheelbase than crossovers. Sedans are perfect for those who spend more time on highways. Sedans have longer wheelbase offers for a more stable and plush riding experience. Design of the Sedan will help it slip through the air and that helps you better fuel economy compared to crossover. Today’s advanced technology has made crossovers equally fuel efficient and powerful like sedans. Crossovers offer an upright driving position. It gives a slightly better view of the road. Crossovers feel really nimble with a smaller turning circle than most compact sedans. Crossover’s actually feature only front-wheel drive and no all-wheel drive options although some crossovers like Renault Duster used to offer all-wheel-drive option but for Indian terrain rear wheel drive is most suitable. Sedan cars feels sportier because it is low to the ground and it has that low centre of gravity. Sedans feel like the driver is more in control while cornering hence the ride is less tippy. Another advantage of that is that sedans get better aerodynamics. Drag coefficient of a sedan is really low compared to a crossover.

Style and Aesthetic

Honda HR-V Side Profile

Style wise these crossovers end up looking more like a hiked-up hatchback than a Sports utility vehicle. They have a very marginal increase in ground clearance over a regular hatchback in reality. In fact, crossover just has about half an inch more ground clearance than sedan. Overall design of the sedan seems more driver focused like a cockpit rather than an open cabin feeling with a crossover. Sedan does feel more premium. Sleeker designs of sedan results in less wind noise.

Interior space

Car Interior

Sedan has a longer wheelbase and is wider too and it boasts more interior space. Sedan offers pretty good leg room.  The obvious advantage of being a taller Crossover is more cargo space and more Headroom. Crossovers do feel like an open room with some chairs in it rather than a focused cockpit in a sedan that looks more elite.


Black Mercedes Accident

Modern Crossovers are much more compatible with crashes. During collision Crossover structure override structure of sedan. Size and weight are important during collisions. Crossovers protect occupants better because they have larger front and large mass compared to Sedans. Having said that, the sedan offers better active safety like rollover mitigation, better cornering, improved braking. Crossover headlights cause a lot of glares when it comes to oncoming traffic. Cross vehicles feature a higher ground clearance and that means; they are still going help you get through some rough terrain and cross big unauthorized speed breakers of Indian town.


Sedan Car Interior Space

Almost all cars today have a lot of technology like touchscreen with Android auto and apple carplay support, automatic climate control, heated seats and handy safety features like forward collision warning, blind spot monitoring, a rear-view camera and a 360-degree view when parking. Better quality material is offered in Sedan than crossover. Sedan interior looks more upmarket. Technology used in the sedan seems more impressive: larger touchscreen with Android auto and apple carplay tuck in dashboard as well as a big virtual cockpit. The car also features dual zone climate control.

Sedans are just not as versatile as crossovers. That’s the whole point that’s why people are buying more crossovers.

Must Have Comfort and Convenience Features in Your Next Cars

Steering Mounted Control

Mercedes AMG Steering

Steering mounted control let you access car infotainment, calls and navigation on steering wheel. Audio or infotainment control can be found either left or right side of steering wheel depending upon the vehicle. The plus and minus buttons with the speaker symbol are given for volume control. These buttons can even mute the speaker. It let you navigate through sets of radio stations or audio tracks without taking your hands off the wheel. It also allows you to select next track if you are listening to CD, Pen drive, blue tooth audio player, or iPod. If you are not comfortable in using steering mounted controls or even getting confused; some manufacturers also offers voice command button on steering wheel. If you’ve paired your cell phone with the car and you’d like to make a call, just press the voice command button.

Auto dimming IRVM

Auto Dimming IRVM

Car driving during night can be dangerous. Hazards like headlight glare in your rear-view mirror can greatly reduce your visibility during night driving and cause fatigue. Auto-dimming IRVM can helps to reduce eye strain by improving night time driving safety. When the mirror detects bright light, it will automatically dim in proportion to the level required to eliminate glare, protecting driver’s vision at night. When glare decreases, the mirror automatically clears.

Tilt & Telescopic Steering Wheel

Tilt & Telescopic Steering

Car manufacturers provide tilt & telescopic steering wheel which means you can adjust your steering wheel for both height and distance from the driver for comfortable car seating position. You need to pull lock lever down provided below the steering wheel to adjust the steering wheel forward and backword or move up or down for maximum driving comfort. When it reaches desired position, you just need to pull the lever up to lock steering wheel in place.

Tinted Glass

Tinted Glass helps in faster cooling of car. Less pressure on car A/c hence car can give better fuel efficiency as well.

Autmomatic Climate control

Auto Climate Control

Cars have state-of-the-art automatic climate control system that is designed to keep passengers comfortable. Some cars have dual even three and four zone climate control system. This means that the driver, front and rear passengers can control the temperature individually and have their own climate zone. Fan speed, air intake, air conditioning and air direction will be controlled automatically according to temperature you set when Auto function is engaged. Automatic climate control is easy to operate and provides you convenience. You just need to press auto button, and then rotate the dial to set the desired temperature. The auto climate control system will then work to attain that temperature and maintain it. If you may wish to change the fan speed, while still keeping the climate control system in AUTO mode. The desired temperature will still be maintained, with only the maximum fan speed changing.

Rear Defogger

If you live in north India where fog is common problem during winters or coastal areas where rainfall is high; you might have noticed in the morning that car windows have fog on it. Most modern vehicles have one button that help you get car window clear very fast. There is a defogger button on dashboard by pressing that button, the rear windows on car are heated. The rear glass has heated elements in it. The heated elements would start warming up the glass taking out the fog. This is pretty impressive in less than two minutes the vehicle is almost in drivable condition.

Apple Car Play

Car big touchscreen infotainment System

You can find this feature in many modern cars nowadays right from entry level hatchback to Lamborghinis. Apple Car play infotainment system is powered by iPhone and iOS. It is very easy to use and of course uses Siri to control the interface. Interface looks like an iPhone with base functionalities such as phone, messages, music and navigation. It let you enjoy many of the iPhone’s Functions through the vehicle’s touchscreen without having to touch the iPhone. Few cars offer wireless connection. You can make phone calls, read text messages and respond to them. you can of course send and receive messages with Siri. Get directions via apple maps and play songs stored on the iPhone. You can customize this according to your personal preference.

Android Auto

Car Touch Screen

Android Auto allows you to use many of your Google features through your vehicle’s audio system. Android Auto let you stay connected and entertained while driving. It’s easy to use. Once you’ve downloaded the free Android Auto app onto your phone from the Google Play Store then you can connect your phone using USB cable and follow the prompts on your phone. Your car will automatically detect your smartphone and you’ll just need to follow the on-screen prompts. Once you are connected, you have access to select features on your phone through Android auto.

Always read owners’ manual for important safety information of system limitations and additional operating information. Always keep in mind that safe driving is your responsibility.

Car Trends That Need To Stop

Automotive is progressing rapidly, Faster cars can now travel fastest. Cars are looking stylist at the same time they are fast and safe. Most of the modern automobile trends are splendid. Adaptive headlamps, Ventilated seats, automatic wipers are awesome but at same time there are some weird trends which are totally irritating to eyes. Automobile manufacturer always try to introduce new unique and exciting designs; not all innovations are good some innovations are disaster. 

Audi RS 5 Front

Let’s look at modern car trends that car manufacturer needs to stop producing.

One developing trend is going on right now is eliminating physical buttons and moving these functions to touch screen. Let’s discuss infotainment touchscreen first, that is available right from entry level economy cars to luxury cars nowadays. These Touchscreen are super sleek, looks cool and feel upmarket on dash boards. Some touch screen display looks like they are glued inside the car rather than integrated in dashboards. You will have to get your eyes off the road to use touch screen panel to reduce or increase volume when car doesn’t have steering mounted control. 

Car big touchscreen infotainment System

How many features can be controlled while driving on single touch screen. Some manufacturers decided to have all the controls through touch screen. Touch Screen AC control is just a gimmick. In Honda City, you need to use touch screen to control AC fan speed. It looks very fancy, futuristic and also add to feel good factor. When you are driving on hills or bumper to bumper traffic, touch control can be extremely dangerous. Driver will have to get eyes off the road to look over AC control panel to control temperature or reduce blower speed. Without looking at touch screen panel driver may activate wrong function as touch buttons are placed very close to each other. 

Voice commands technology in cars is far behind mobile Phones. Differentiating regional accent is the major problem. It takes longer to recognize command and follow instruction. Command misinterpretation is common problem.

Voice Command Function

In Generation Y, everybody has smart phones and they have internet on phone with 4G data connection. Mobile data connection is fast enough to do anything anytime. Really difficult to understand why manufacturer are offering Wi-Fi hot spots in car just to lure customers. Mobile wifi works even better than car Wi-Fi in some situation. Wi-Fi may affect your privacy as well. Manufacturers can easily obtain your data of video you watch or social media account details and most importantly your location. 

It’s an offence to use mobile phone while driving then question arises why manufacturer use smartphone integration and mirror linking in car infotainment display.

Piano Black finish on dash board. Piano Black or any glossy interior that is either reflective or metallic. These are fake piano black textures made with poor quality plastics and sometimes it gets reflection. The Sun hit it and reflect in driver eyes and making really hard to see out of the car. It looks good but soon it shows hairline scratches. It gets covered with smudgy finger prints and dust. It also gets dirty very quickly. 

Car Piano Black Dashboard

Flat Bottom Steering wheel actually makes driver uncomfortable.

Vents and Air Dams looks cool and sporty. Functional vents help to pass air and reduce drag resistance. It also keeps car engine cool. There has been extremely good-looking design in 90s and early 2000s. Simply look at bonnet air dam of 2007 Scorpio. It looks amazing. Fake vents are totally irritating to eyes. New generation cars come with big vents; those vents are not functional. Those vents are added to design to improve car aesthetics. We are at the end of internal combustion era but vents are becoming bigger and bigger. Engines are becoming smaller and efficient; these engines require less amount of airflow. 

Audi R8 Front

In economy car its ok to have fake exhaust but sports cars, luxury sedans and SUVs; there is no need to have fake exhaust. Style exhaust has been around decade. It is becoming increasingly bolder aesthetic part of new car design. Fake exhaust portrays image of power prestige. In high end performance cars, there is no need to have fake exhaust.

A Pillar is the foremost roof pillar in a vehicle. Rollover test and roof strength test gives it a lot more importance to A Pillar as a result A Pillar is getting thicker and thicker. Roof strength helps in safety of occupants during rollover protection but now it comes at cost of outward visibility. Some car manufactures come with innovative concepts like lattice on A Pillar.

Car A Pillar

Sometime manufacturer offers services at premium price but these services are almost free for any economy car. For example; Suzuki Connect, Buyer will have to pay for subscription but you can get similar service barring one or two additional features with any OBD device available on Amazon.

Massive front Grills: Really don’t understand why car need massive big grills.

Performance badging and actual performance model look identical but there is vast difference between them.

BMW M5 Rear

Car size is growing steadily. What if someone want small vehicle. If you stay in village, it does not matter but if you stay in metro cities it really matters and car doesn’t fit in tight parking spaces.

You might have noticed spare wheel in your car is smaller as compared to other wheels. Width and profile of spare wheel is also small. Car manufacturer have started following international standard where car have run flat tires and it is not mandatory to provide spare wheel with car but here in India we don’t have good roads.

Luxury Cars Features Offered in Regular Cars

Gesture Controlled Tail Gate

Skoda Octavia Open Boot

Some Premium Cars allows easy access to load luggage in boot, just by making smooth kick motion below boot. The tailgate opens automatically. This feature is available in cars like Hyundai Verna and Skoda Superb. The sensors are located below the rear bumper one on either side. When sensor recognizes foot gesture the turn signal flash and opens tailgate automatically.

Electronic Seat Adjustment

Electronic Seat Adjustment

Car Front seats can be adjusted electronically in order to make passenger and driver more comfortable while driving. There are adjustment control buttons given on either of seats. The front control moves entire seat forward and back and also let you adjust height of the seat cushion.  By pulling the Centre of the button, you can also adjust height of the entire seat. The vertical control allows you to adjust the seat back. Push top of vertical control button to recline or pull bottom to adjust seat to straighter position. In addition, some manufacturer offers two way or four-way lumbar control switch. Simply by pressing top or bottom of control occupant can adjust lumbar height in three position top, middle and bottom. The firmness of lumbar can be adjusted by pressing front of button. Electronic seat adjustment is available in Toyota Yaris, Kia Seltos and many other mid segment sedan and SUV cars.

Heads Up Display

Car manufacturer offers 8 inches heads up display with top variants. Heads up display is basically a transparent glass pops up at the push of the button. It can provide vital information to driver such as Vehicle speed, Speed Limit Alert, turn by turn navigation, Cruise control etc. Since that vital information is available to driver’s line of sight, driver can focus on road without getting distracted. This feature normally available in luxury sedan but Kia also offers this segment first feature in Seltos GTX variant.

Automatic Parking

Car parking

Now a days we have cars that can park themselves. The automatic parking system incorporates front, Back and side sensors that measure parking space for car. Sensor gets activated when auto parking switch is on. System sounds warning alert, to stop and inform driver that suitable parking space is available. System automatically steers the car. System informs driver to put car in reverse through audio message. Driver just need to use the brakes to control the speed.  System will also tell when park assist is finished. Skoda Superb and Ford Endeavour offers similar feature.

Ventilated front seats

Premium Car brands like Mercedes Benz and BMW has perforated leather seats. There is fan inside the seat that blows cool air from seat bottom as well as seat back. It keeps occupant cool and dry from sweating. Normally this feature offers three levels of cooling high, medium and low. Kia Sonet and Hyundai Verna offer this feature in top trims.

Emergency assistance service

Road Accident

Emergency Assistance service is feature which nobody wants to use like an airbag but it’s very important safety feature. System connects mobile phone via Bluetooth. If emergency assistance service detects an accident, Emergency assistance will use Bluetooth to call the emergency services directly from phone. SYNCs multilingual support will speak for driver even if driver is not speaking local language. The vehicle exact GPS location will be given. Emergency assistance is built upon the existing emergency infrastructure. Emergency Assistance call is given priority. The driver is able to override and cancel the service if it’s not required. This important safety feature is offered by Rolls Royce and Ford.

Wrist Band key

Wrist Band key

Tata Nexon and Altroz Activity key is a robust and fully waterproof security wrist strap. It allows driver and passenger to enjoy range of activities like swimming, running where it is difficult to keep smart access key secured. Wrist Band key can be used to lock and unlock the car. When activity key is activated, the vehicle locks the alarm system and any smart key remain inside the vehicle disables.

Active Roll Over protection

Volvo XC 60

Tata Nexon and Altroz Activity key is a robust and fully waterproof security wrist strap. It allows driver and passenger to enjoy range of activities like swimming, running where it is difficult to keep smart access key secured. Wrist Band key can be used to lock and unlock the car. When activity key is activated, the vehicle locks the alarm system and any smart key remain inside the vehicle disables.

Umbrella Holder

All Rolls Royce manufactured after 2003 have umbrella holder in door. Just press the button and umbrella pops out. Skoda Superb, Tata Altroz and Nexon also provides space to keep wet umbrella.

Wireless Phone Charger

Gi enabled mobile phone charger available in Hyundai Creta and Aura can charge mobile phone wirelessly in car.

Gesture control Infotainment System

BMW offers gestures control that enable some functions to be operated by moving your hand. When you move your hand in circular direction with your index figure pointed forward, you can change volume, Clockwise direction to increase the volume, anti clockwise to reduce the volume. Toyota Yaris also offers gesture control. You can swipe your palm in front of infotainment system to change the music or increase volume.

Dual Zone Automatic Climate Control

Car Automatic AC

It allow Driver and front passenger to select desire temperature separately. When dual switch is turn on, the driver and front passenger can select temperature according to their individual needs. Mahindra XUV 300 offers this feature in W8 trim.

Car Washing Tips for Beginners

Use nice microfibre cloth or something with similar softness for cleaning. Never use paper towel, Old T-shirt, Sponge and bathing towel on paint. Use nice microfibre cloth that absorbs water well. Even for cleaning of tire rims, use microfibre cloth with lubricant or wheel cleaner. Always snap out microfibre towel, to get any loose dirt, dust rocks out that may scratch paint. Never use dropped towel directly for cleaning. When you drop towel, it picks up small rock, dirt and debris that can scratch car paint.

microfiber cloth

Always Use two buckets for car cleaning. Make sure you use clean bucket. One bucket for soap water. It’s a clean bucket and another bucket is a rinse bucket. Fill rinse bucket with water all the way to top and rinse microfibre cloth in rinse bucket after cleaning that allows all unwanted dirt, dust, rocks to settle down in rinse bucket. Soap water bucket won’t get contaminated.

Cleaning in swirling motion: Pick a direction right to left and clean in that direction. If you clean car surface in swirling motion, you are more likely to scratch car surface at different angle.

Sponge used for car cleaning

Clean from top of the car to bottom of the car: Always start cleaning your car at the top and then finish cleaning at bottom. Use different microfibre towel for cleaning rims and car body, In order to prevent all dirt getting on the towel and scratching the whole car. All car’s bottom is lot more dirty than top. Quite obvious! All road grime, dirt and mud stick up bottom of the car.

Use Shampoo made car detailing: Always use automotive soap as these products are exclusively made for car cleaning. Automotive soap foams really well and provides lubrication while using microfibre cloth against car surface. These products are pH balanced hence they won’t strip out the wax coating. Kitchen soaps/hair shampoo are not pH balanced so they may damage clearcoat of car and also can strip out wax coating.

Car Rim Cleaning

Car surface gets hot in direct sunlight. The water you are using to clean your car will get evaporate and leave water marks on car surface that looks ugly. Shampoo and other chemical being used for car cleaning and polishing are not made for hot surfaces. Because of these are two major reasons you should never clean your car in direct sunlight.

Cleaning A Red Car

Use lubrication while cleaning car: Never use towel against dry surface of car. Make sure the towel you are using is completely covered in soap and water, so it provides proper lubrication and won’t scratch your car. If you notice bird dung spots on your car, never just wipe this off with a towel. Bird dung has acid in it which can break down paint and clearcoat. Always spray some lubricant and then wipe out.

Black car shows scratches very easily hence it is very difficult to clean a black car. Never use power washer while cleaning. Always check water pressure before using. If you put your hand in front of car washer if it hurts your hand then it’s is too much pressure for your car.

Black BMW Washing

Never use any chemical on brake pedal, accelerator, gear knob and steering wheel that makes it slippery. This could make driving dangerous and potentially cause an accident.

Must Have Safety Features in Car

Following are top 10 safety features that should have been offered even in base variants of entry level cars

Tyre Pressure monitoring system

Car Diamond Cut Alloy wheel

Properly inflated tires help in the best performance, the best fuel economy, reduce blow out and extend tire life. TPMS stands for Tire Pressure monitoring system that consist of sensors that go in each of car wheel and They tell driver about car tire current pressure. When TPMS check 25% reduction in tire pressure it illuminated light on dashboard. In advance countries like USA; TPMS is a mandatory installment for all new cars after year 2008. If your car has TPMS sensors and that is five years old its time to replace sensors.


Car Seat Headrest

Headrest prevent whiplash injury. Head rest quickly catches head during emergency. Whiplash injury occur when head is lag behind the body and neck is not able to pull the head along. A lot of cars have movement or adjustment that will move the headrest or just tilt.

Rear parking sensors

Mercedes Rear Parkin Sensor

The rear parking sensors helps to enhance driver alertness by detecting object close to vehicle while parking. There are sensors in all four corners of the vehicle that can detects object within 32 inches in rear; the rear center sensor can detect objects about 43 inches. Audible alters are issued when objects are detected. The moderate beeping occurs when rear center sensor detects objects between 43 and 32 inches of the vehicle. Beeping becomes more rapid when any sensor detects an object within 32 inches to 22 inches. Objects between 32 inches and 18 inches trigger even quicker beeping and it becomes continuous when objects are 18 inches or less from sensor.


Car Airbag

D Pedal

Car Pedals

Properly inflated tires help in the best performance, the best fuel economy, reduce blow out and extend tire life. TPMS stands for Tire Pressure monitoring system that consist of sensors that go in each of car wheel and They tell driver about car tire current pressure. When TPMS check 25% reduction in tire pressure it illuminated light on dashboard. In advance countries like USA; TPMS is a mandatory installment for all new cars after year 2008. If your car has TPMS sensors and that is five years old its time to replace sensors.

ABS with EBD

Car warning lights

ABS prevents wheel lock up and delivers improved steering control during hard braking. ABS helps tire to maintain better grip on road during difficult stops and helps with better grip to stop the vehicle more effectively. Tire steer better too. A skidding tire has less braking and cornering capability than a rolling tire. A skidding tire generates very little cornering force hence ABS help to improve driver’s ability to stop and steer at the same time. 

EBD reduces brake pressure at lightly loaded wheels that are more prone to skid.  When driver steps on the brake pedal during a straight ahead stop; the vehicle weight transfers forward to front wheels; when driver steps brake pedal while cornering, the vehicle weight transfers to the outside wheels in both cases momentum shifts weights and reduces braking grip on a specific set of wheels with less vehicle weight. ABS wheel-based sensors are designed to detect this weight difference before it turns into full fledge skid and began to reduce pressure to the less loaded wheels. With EBD, the brakes can be modulated more precisely to keep brake force at wheels to the most traction and maintain vehicle stability.


Manual Antiglare Mirror

Interior Rearview Mirror

Nighttime driving can be stressful for small car drivers. Headlight glare from rear view mirror can reduce visibility, cause fatigue and discomfort. Antiglare mirror can help diminish eye strain and improve night time driving safety. Antiglare mirrors are design to reduce light intensity from vehicle behind you.

ISOFIX Child Mount

ISOFIX Child Seat

It is a standardized international car set fitting system. It was first developed in 1997 and made standard in all cars in year 2006. ISOFIX makes installing car seat simple, easy and quick. ISOFIX latch on specially designed anchor points and metal clip at base of seat of the car. ISOFIX also comes with antitipping and anti-rotational device to provide better stability. Top tether is a secured belt that attaches to car top tether anchor point which is either on boot floor or seat back. These are universal ISOFIX car seat. There are semi universal ISOFIX car seats that support leg of foot prop that rest on floor of the car. ISOFIX provides more direct and rigid connection by attaching chassis of the vehicle. It also reduces risk of incorrect installation making safest way to secure your child in the car.

Emergency Stop Signal

Car panic Stop

The emergency stop signal feature detects the emergency or panic braking condition and warns trailing vehicle by making brake lights and hazard lights blink. During panic braking brake lamps will blink based on vehicle speed followed by hazard lamps blinks to warn oncoming traffic. This helps reduce the chance of rear collision during emergency or panic braking.

Seatbelt Pretensioner with force limiter

Car Seat Belt

Recent advancement in seatbelt technology have resulted in more sophisticated technology that enhances occupant protection while helping reduce injury from system itself. Pretensioners automatically retracts the seat belts and securing occupant instantly during sever deceleration. The aim is to control occupant movement within the cabin space while ensuring belts are comfortable in everyday use. To avoid injury to the occupants by seatbelt themselves force limiter systems were used. Force limiter system come into play when seatbelt pressure applied to occupant predetermined level at that point limiter allows the belt to extend to help reduce the impact on occupant chest. In serious collision when SRS airbag may deploy the pretensioner activates with airbag after a signal is received from SRS sensor assembly.  Force limiter reduce the load applied to occupant’s chest. Combined these systems help comfortable airbag deployment during front collision. As an added steps vehicle are equipped with adjustable height seat belts, they should adjust correctly for occupant of different heights to maximize safety.

Speed Sensing Auto Lock & Unlock

Mercedes Door Unlock Button

It is a very important safety feature. Car gets automatically locked when it gets speed of 15 to 20 kmph. Also all doors and boot automatically unlocked if any of these conditions are met, The car is stand still and key is removed from the ignition, If any one of the door is opened from inside, In event of an accident the airbags have been triggered. Automatic unlocking gives access to the emergency crew or people nearby to help occupants in an emergency situation.

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Always check tyre pressure after refuelling

Mercedes Benz E Class inflated tire

Tires are often most neglected of all car parts. Tires play exceptional role in controlling your vehicle as well as your safety and comfort. An underinflated tire may cause various problems. Even most fuel efficient car won’t give you desired mileage with inflated tires. It may also result in lack of control. Also underinflated tires may end up with high body roll and uncomfortable ride. Maintain proper tire pressure will not only ensure your safety but you’ll get more life of your tire. Properly inflated tire will allow precise handling and cornering. Most of the petrol pumps in India have facility of air pressure gauge. You can use this facility free of cost.

Half Filling the Fuel Tank

Car Refueling

Every car owner’s biggest concern is fuel efficiency. If you are not driving your car daily it is better idea to half fill fuel tank. Bharat Stage VI unleaded petrol has a density of 720 to 775 gm per litre. Let’s consider an average density of 750 gm per litre. If your tank capacity is 50 Litres total weight you carry with full tank is 37.5 KG. Half-filled fuel weight shall be 18 kg hence you don’t have to carry extra 18 kg of unwanted petrol weight which ultimately increases your car fuel efficiencies. This logic also applies to carrying extra luggage in boot.

Always drive minimum 7 to 8 kms after cold start

White Volkswagen Polo

Real damage happens to an engine when it is getting hot-cold-hot. Most of the times you might have seen courier cars being driven for short period of time and stop long enough to cool down and then driven for short distance, this habit will not only cause wear and tear of engine but also poor fuel efficiency. The metal parts in an engine are expanding and contracting over and over which ultimately accelerates damages to engine.

Keep car exterior clean

Car Cleaning Tips

Wash a car every month at car service centre. Removing dust, dirt and pollutant from car surface is one of the important reasons to keep car exterior clean. There are certain hidden benefits as well. You are keeping car paint intact which will give you better resale value. Better visibility can protect you from accident. Car fuel consumption goes up due to a layer of dirt. A clean car reduces air resistance while driving and increases fuel economy.

Check Fluids level

Car bonnet

Check Brake oil and Engine oil once a week. It takes only a minute to check engine oil level once in a week but that one minute could save your engine from serious damage. Always check Engine oil when engine is cool and oil is settled. Along with Engine oil you can also check anti-freeze/Coolant, Brake and clutch oil fluids levels through the semi-transparent plastic reservoirs. The fluid level should be maintained between maximum and minimum mark.